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Changing UI Elements

Along with the editor itself, BlockNote includes a few additional UI elements in the forms of menus and toolbars:

By default, these are all included in the editor, but you can remove or replace each of them with your own React components.

Default Setup

In many of the examples, you'll see we render BlockNoteView like so:

<BlockNoteView editor={} />

But this is actually shorthand for the following:

<BlockNoteView editor={editor}>
  <FormattingToolbarPositioner editor={editor} />
  <HyperlinkToolbarPositioner editor={editor} />
  <SlashMenuPositioner editor={editor} />
  <SideMenuPositioner editor={editor} />

As you can see, BlockNoteView by default renders out four children - one for each UI element. Each child is a Positioner component, which controls where and when the UI element is shown.

Explicitly adding Positioner components as children of BlockNoteView allows you to customize which UI elements to show, and what to show inside them, as you'll see in the upcoming subsections.

Removing UI Elements

In the following example, we remove the Side Menu from the editor. This is done by adding all Positioner components as children of BlockNoteView, for each UI element except the Side Menu:

Each further Positioner component you remove will remove its corresponding UI element from the editor. If you only want to keep the editor itself, add only an empty fragment (<></>) to BlockNoteView's children.

Replacing UI Elements

In the following example, the Side Menu is replaced with a simple component which just displays the name of the element:

As you can see, this is done by passing a React component to the sideMenu prop of SideMenuPositioner. Each Positioner element has a prop through which you can pass the component you want to render (formattingToolbar for the Formatting Toolbar, etc.). If nothing is passed, the Positioner will render the default UI element.